Courtney Kassis - Let's Settle This: Is Full-Fat Milk Good for You or Not?

“Skim milk and 1% milk have fewer calories and less saturated fat than full-fat milk. Eating less saturated fat can reduce the risk of heart disease and lower cholesterol.”

— Courtney Kassis for Parade

Most people who drink cow’s milk are very loyal to the type of milk they prefer. Give someone who is used to drinking whole milk a glass of skim and they’ll likely complain that it tastes watery. Pour a glass of whole milk for someone who is used to 1% and they’ll likely wonder why it’s so thick.

While taste preference is certainly a primary reason for choosing the type of milk you buy, nutritional content is another important factor. With this in mind, you may be wondering if whole milk (also known as full-fat milk) is the best option to go for. On the one hand, there’s a lot of talk about healthy fats these days. On the other hand, whole milk does have more calories than other types of milk. 

It’s time to settle the debate surrounding whole milk once and for all. Keep reading to find out what registered dietitians think, including how full-fat milk compares nutritionally to skim, 1% and 2% milk. Read the entire article here.


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